Melmac's youth team competed against the even younger Klimop team. The youngsters from Asten have had a long journey from the southeast of Brabant when they arrive at the sports park. We had excellent preparation and the match could start. As the writer of this match report, I did not receive anything from the match, because I was busy filming my new documentary called: 'Analysis images of korfball match SKV Melmac 1 against KV Klimop 1, Saturday September 18, 2020'. This documentary can be obtained from the documentary maker himself for a fee (pitcher of 3, ed.). In the documentary, two young teams compete against each other with the aim of bringing out the best in themselves and thus trying to win the battle in the form of a korfball match. The hopes of the youth from Asten were quickly dashed by the overwhelming play of the Tilburg students. Even though the antagonist of this documentary, played by Isa Feijen - a training member at Melmac during the week, a player at Klimop at the weekend - had enough information from the home team, this was to no avail.
It's a pity for the Asten residents and me as a documentary maker, because there was no real battle to be seen on the green screen. Melmac dominated the first half and even went into the break with an 8-1 lead. S/o to Melmac's last minute where no fewer than two goals were scored. Even bigger s/o to Iris for her world golazo. During the break - which did not include a break drink - both teams put their heads together. Both teams came out of the break with good play. Ivy was even allowed to score a few goals. It would have been annoying that you had to spend 63 kilometers in the car and that you were only allowed to score one goal. Wouldn't have been fun for them, wouldn't have been fun for the documentary. Anyway. Result: 15-6. An almost equal second half. We sent the images from the documentary - which was recorded in one take - to various cultural editors of national newspapers.
According to them, this documentary will have a chance to win several Oscars, such as: best adapted screenplay, best production design, best camera work (despite having to work with a rickety camera), best sound (despite having to work with a rickety camera), best supporting actor (Luuk Vaessen), best supporting actress (Imme Steinhages open knee) best original screenplay, best short documentary, best documentary, best international film, best costume design (s/o to Elise Dekker for her design) and best make-up and hairstyle (s/o to Jarik Baars' wax). According to the cultural editors of national newspapers, they no longer award the Oscar for best dance instruction, otherwise Jelmer Sonnemans would have won this prize anyway. Finally, the third half was certainly a success. Are you curious about a different perspective than this match report? My colleague from Klimop has expressed his view on the match in this match report.
"It would have been annoying that you had to sit in the car for 63 kilometers and that you were only allowed to score one goal."