Game manual
Requirements: • Computer with a good internet connection • Microphone (can be built into the computer) • A (guest) account on Discord • Phone with camera It can also be useful to have WhatsApp web to move photos from your phone to your computer. How to play: Tonight was supposed to be a fun evening. Everyone looked their Easter best. We were seated in the dining room of the Melmac Mansion exactly as planned and the appetizer had just been served when the evening took a dark turn. Alf is a wealthy man, and this is reflected in the stately, antique interior of his country house. It is a shame that this classic setting is the scene of a gruesome act tonight. The power went out. In the brief darkness that followed, some of us thought we saw the moon's light reflected in the stab of the dagger. A chilling cry of fear resounds through the corridors of the old mansion. In the warm light of the newly lit candles, one thing becomes all too clear. Alf is dead. Murdered! And the killer is among us... The doors are locked and will not be opened until we find the killer. It is possible to find clues in the rooms of the country house, but they cannot simply be entered. On the Melmac website you will find a map of the country house and what you need to do to enter the rooms. Be on your guard, because the killer will kill a player every time a room is opened. Even if no one is suspected or murdered for 10 minutes, the killer will choose a new victim. When you are dead, you can still observe. You are welcome to remain present in the general chat and haunt the rooms where possible. It is not allowed to share information from before your death with fellow players. Blame – the group can decide to accuse anyone at any time. At least half of the (living) group will have to agree to this. In this case a dice game is used. One die is rolled for each player who agrees with the accusation. The accused gets two dice to defend himself with. If the group wins, the accused is killed. The game will continue one round to see if anyone else is killed. If not, the murderer is killed and the game is over. If someone is killed, the game continues. If the accused wins the dice, he chooses someone from the group who did not survive the struggle.