Welcome to the official page of the Alf-Trophy 2023! You can find all information for the cantus and the tournament here
blablabla what is a cantus and what are the general rules
Rules for this evening and things like that bleep bleep bleep
Wilhelmus van Nassouwe
Drink, drink, brother drink,
A hat on my head, my collar is up
We are Melmac from the south, together we are strong,
Chair: Amy Honkoop
Chairman: Anja Zijlstra
Chairman: Esther Kersbergen
Chairman: Stefan Starke
Chairman: Luuk Vaessen
Chairman: Fennik van Bijsterveld
Chairman: Marco Saaltink
Chairman: Stefan Nijboer
Chairman: Ymke Huisman
Chairman: Roos Goodijk
Chairman: Roos Goodijk
It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
If you have any questions this weekend, please contact one of the committee members:
Chairman: Duco Merkx 06-43500750Secretary: Isa Huisson 06-43454038Treasurer: Anne Wijgergangs 06-83712017Competition secretary: Sven Cijsouw 06-40204959Party member: Lisa Rutjes 06-18792548
All rights reserved | SKV Melmac Tilburg